The primary law to follow for making you dangerous in life! Discipline.

What makes you be more disciplined? What pushes you to be more disciplined in life?

Discipline will always beat talent and here’s why.

1. Defining your why(s): The crucial step

Ways to find your “why(s)”

  • Focus on what you are good at
  • Focus on how you can help others
  • Focus on how you want to perceive yourself
  • Focus on how you want to be perceived by others
  • Focus on defining your desired legacy

2. establishing a plan: A goal without a plan isn’t a goal, it’s a dream

How to make a plan?

  • Make a list of weekly priorities
  • Convert them into realistic daily tasks
  • Plan necessary brakes (go outside at least for two hours)
  • Compartmentalize your work and create a balance between home, work, and love life.

3. Establish routines: Your motivation is too unreliable to fall back on

How to build your routine?

  • Start small, but increase the volume of your work daily.
  • As you are building yourself, break habits into chunks.
  • Never miss your habit twice, be patient and stick to a sustainable pace.
  • If you miss once, do not throw everything out the window.

4. Do everything with passion: Take every necessary action even if you don’t feel it.

Finding your passion

  • Focus on just the day ahead.
  • Focus on just the one task you are doing at that time.
  • Trick your mind to complete your task and reward it for your completion.
  • However, step away if you really have to.

5. Limit any distractions: Preservation of focus, energy, and mental well-being

How to limit distractions?

  • Phones on airplane mode during your work unless you really need to.
  • Try using noise-canceling headphones.
  • Work with a focus timer and get up from the chair every hour to take a small break.
  • Surround yourself with work-driven people who will push you.

6. Reflection: Learn from the mistakes if you want to improve

How do you reflect?

  • Go for walks with a clear mind.
  • Talk to your friends or spouse.
  • Make it a weekly habit during your off days.
  • Write down your challenges of the past week.
  • Make plans for the challenges you have had.

7. Implementation: Implement your reflections

How to implement it?

  • Assess the possible impact of the change
  • Make minor tweaks in your mundane activities.
  • Build upon the tweaks your make.
  • Seek feedback and self-assess your changes.
  • Be honest with yourself.

8. Persevere: Thriving as a survivor

How do you thrive?

  • Regain your drive, and start your day with positivity.
  • Regain your energy, your morning cup of coffee is absolutely necessary.
  • Optimize your lifestyle for peak performance.
  • Do not settle for mediocrity if you want to flourish.

Hari Prasanth

Hari Prashanth PVS. Ph.D. (Material Science and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies) Mechanical Engineer.

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